Clifton Outdoor Kitchens

Working in partnership to deliver your vision.

At Clifton Outdoor Kitchens, we understand the difficulty of blending form and function, especially in the specialised area of outdoor kitchens.

Our role is to ensure that within these beautiful designs, the outdoor kitchen doesn’t just look exceptional – it works exceptionally.

We’ve learned from clients, our team, and others how they use outdoor kitchens and have gained real insight into delivering a kitchen that functions around the client while staying true to the designer’s original visions.

Whether working through your studios or directly with the client, we understand how crucial exceptional customer service is and appreciate the need to deliver something stunning – that works.

Passionate about outdoor kitchens and cooking

Our passion lies in bringing people together outdoors around flames. 
Outdoor kitchens are unique – it’s the thoughtful details in design and functionality that set them apart. It’s a niche we love and excel in.

Functional Kitchens

All our outdoor kitchens are crafted for supreme functionality, ensuring they look outstanding and emulate the convenience and efficiency of your client’s indoor kitchen.

Grill & Appliance Agnostic

We have strong ties with top suppliers but remain unbiased in our choices, catering to every specific need, so we will deliver whatever suits your client’s needs.

Client Led - Always

Each outdoor kitchen is unique. Whether it’s a hefty 1-ton wood-fired oven or an authentic 10ft Argentinian Parilla, we’ll deliver any client vision, no matter the size.

Plans, Designs & Renders

We can adapt to work directly from your plans or collaborate closely to refine mock-ups, 2D plans, and detailed renders, ensuring the client’s vision is perfectly captured and met.

All Services Covered

Our first-class team includes Gas Safe engineers and NICEIC electricians, all committed to excellence in projects where the quality of finish is everything.

Our Teams or Yours

Whether partnering with your chosen contractor or utilising our teams, we’re flexible and ready to contribute to or manage broader project scopes.

Pergolas, Gazebos & Structures

From bespoke timber structures to motorised pergolas that extend living spaces, our expertise lies in delivering stunning and functional outdoor structures for your client’s needs.

Stone; Sourcing, Supply & Finish

We excel at sourcing and supplying stone for worktops, feature walls, and flooring, promising client value, impeccable quality, and stunning results.

Hardscaping & Landscaping

With skilled teams in both the South East and South West, we offer comprehensive hard and soft landscaping services to bring any outdoor vision to life.

Ready for us to support your next project?


News, advice & tips

Design Your Outdoor Kitchen With Our Expert Team